No one expects an automobile accident to happen, which means very few people know how to proceed when it actually does. Unless you’ve been in an accident or you’re a personal injury lawyer in Boston, chances are you have no idea how to proceed when one occurs.
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Things You Need to Do After a Car Accident in Boston
Here is a list of 5 things you should do right after an accident:
1. Take Pictures
Not just of your car. Be sure to take pictures of any injuries sustained during the accident. This way you’ll have proof of injury long after the bruises have healed.
2. Keep a Diary
The after-effects of an accident might interrupt your life more than you realize. Keep a log of things you couldn’t do because of your accident. Whether it’s missing that 5K you were planning on running, or skipping a day of work to get your car at the shop, these details are important.
3. Don’t Talk to the Other Person’s Insurance Company
Just don’t do it. The insurance company has one goal in mind: to avoid paying a claim.
Don’t give them any material to work with.
4. Don’t Sign Anything
Documents are powerful in court. Don’t sign anything the insurance company gives you as these can be used against you later in court.
5. Forward All Correspondence to Your Lawyer
The law is complex and filled with loopholes that you might not be aware of. Play it safe by sending all communication, whether it’s with the other person involved in the accident or the insurance company, to your lawyer.
For more information or to talk with a personal injury attorney, contact Brooks & Crowley.