You should not cash a good will check sent by your insurance company after a car accident without speaking to an attorney. Your insurance company could use the cashed check to get out of paying you on your claim by considering it a settlement. You don’t want this, no matter how tempting the money looks you can almost always settle for far more than the amount of this check.
In short, don't accept the money, wait for your car accident lawyer to work on your case and build a better setttlement.
Settle Your Claim With Car Accident Attorneys in Eastern Massachusetts
Brooks & Crowley LLP is an auto accident law firm based in various cities and neighborhoods throughout Massachusetts east of 495. Our offices in Norwell, Boston and Dedham serve the surrounding areas and work with local victims and victims of accidents out of state to fight for the best settlement they deserve.
Your insurance company knows all the tricks of the trade and drivers need an experienced car crash attorney to handle their claims with competence and confidence. Don't let your insurance take advantage of the situation, fight back with our personal injury legal team today. Contact our attorneys today for a free consultation of your case.