How To Claim Lost Wages After a Car Accident?
Your own auto insurance company will pay lost wages suffered as a result of an auto accident under the Personal Injury Protection (PIP) portion of your policy, up to $8,000.00. They will pay 75% of your wages tax-free, which typically comes out the same as your paycheck. You must show a couple of things:
- A note from your medical provider disabling you from work
- A completed form from your employer showing how much time you missed and your pay rate
- You must not have used the PIP money to pay medical bills
- You must not have been paid during your absence from work (in other words, you must have actual lost wages)
Lost wages benefits provide a real service to injured claimants. You do not need to wait for the end of your claim to collect lost wages as with a bodily injury settlement. We have obtained lost wages for many injured people. Feel free to contact Brooks & Crowley, LLP with any questions regarding lost wages.