You should never lie about past claims and past injuries. People have outdated ideas about how the claims process works. When the insurance company asks people if they have been in an accident before, people sometimes say no – even though they have. They believe prior injuries are in the past and none of the insurance companies business. If prior injuries are from a claim, the insurance company will know about them. Always be truthful. There are often medical explanations for why pre-existing injuries that were not symptomatic were aggravated by an auto accident. Not being truthful can decrease the value of your claim.
Hire a Massachusetts Car Accident Attorney for Your Claims
You are not the first car accident victim with a prior claim or injury. Many have come before you. Many of those in the past were smart and hired an injury attorney or car accident legal team to help them through their situation. Even if the help comes down to a free consultation or a downloadable eBook, a personal injury lawyer who specialized in car and truck accidents can provide insights and legal advice that pertains to your specific situation. Should the lawyer be local, they are already engrained in the local laws here in Massachusetts, which can be even better.
At Brooks & Crowley LLP, our accident lawyers guide clients through the often complex world of car accident claims and injury claims following a wreck. Based in Norwell, Dedham and South Boston, our law offices serve Eastern Massachusetts. Contact us today for a free consultation!